My husband is out tonight. He has to go out to see a game of his beloved Rugby Union, since it's only on pay tv and we don't have that at home.
I thought I would take advantage of the spare time and do some show and tell.
Firstly, my camping photos, just because I said I would. This is our palatial tent in which we would have been asleep,well and truly, this time last Saturday night.
This is the creek we camped beside. If you look closely, you'll see two fairy hunters hard at work.
Finally, my 'arty' campfire shot.
Now back at the ranch, this afternoon we lit some little glass and metal lanterns and hung them in our nude frangipani tree. They some what brightened the place up.
While I think of it, EAP has done a post about that cracking house that appeared in the episode of Mad Men, when Don runs away to California and meets Joy. You can see her post here. Ha! I just wanted to show off about being able to insert a link now. We have a seventh birthday to celebrate next month, and in an effort to be organised, I have bought a gift already. This skirt is made by a company called Heavenly Creatures, which is Australian. I think it must have been stencilled by them. It's more beautiful in real life of course. It's what I call ballerina pink. It's always possible it may get pushed to the back of the wardrobe and never worn, but I'm confident I've backed a winner this time.

Did anyone notice that Easton Pearson recently had an 'Archive Sale', in which they presumably dragged out stuff that was years old. Anyway, I felt the need to go and have a rummage. At one stage, and my sister will back me up on this, I tried on a white cotton dress with massive frilled sleeves. I honestly looked exactly like I'd just escaped from some institution by wrapping my bed sheet around me to fashion a dress. I really should have taken a photo. Oddly, I was still tempted to buy it, but instead I got this, I know it's not much on the hanger, but I like it for some reason and I've worn it maybe five or six times in two weeks. It's not very flattering I will admit. I wouldn't recommend it for you young ladies still trying to attract a love interest.
I also got this LBD. It's nothing exciting, but it's a classic, and I think I'll get lots of wear out of it...that reminds me....
Before I had children I barely ever wore flat shoes. In fact, at one stage I had 17 pairs of just black heels. Up until I started working in April, I was so out of practice, when I put on heels I walked like a transvestite. I had to get some good shoes for work. They had to have some sort of heel, but still be comfortable enough to wear all day. I found these.. and it was love at first sight. No thinking required, no regrets, no second thoughts, and if they were available in other colours I'd have them all.
It's hard to beat a black suede wedge with some bling on the toes.I'd love them in red, raspberry, orange, lime and cobalt blue too.
Now enough about shoes, let's talk glass chickens. These.
They're tiny little things. My husband's mum gave these to my girls. Today, whilst having a fossick at a thrifty, I found the mother hen. I wish I'd had the good sense to photograph them together so you could see the size difference. She's quite a find, and much bigger than she looks in the photo. That strawberry is huge, like an apple, so it's all a bit out of proportion.
Thanks for the osteopath tip. I'm going to go and see that one at Kangaroo Point as soon as I can. Fingers crossed!