This idea was good for me because it gave me the opportunity to see if this was the best place for growing vegetables without too much commitment. For my husband, no doubt, it worked for him too, thinking that the vegetables would fail to grow, thus, I'd end up losing interest and move onto something else.
To everyone's surprise, the vegetables we planted have really taken off. The soil is some we had left over, it's turf underlay and apparently it's quite sandy with water absorbing crystals and lots of chicken poo.
We've planted different lettuce, spinach, beetroot and some herbs; coriander, basil, mint and parsley. It's going gang busters!
The seedlings were tiny when we put them in. These photos were taken at the beginning of the week and already they are noticeably bigger.

Must rush, I'm madly trying to finish Jonathan Franzen's Freedom in the next week. The Corrections is one of, if not my favourite book, but I'm not loving Freedom as much. Has anyone else read it?
Seven days!