Saturday, December 11, 2010

A frangipani mystery
Our frangipani tree seems to have flowers in two shades of pink. Is this normal?


  1. I'm no expert but could they open to pink and fade to white like some roses do?

  2. That sounds plausible, but the same bunch can have different colours and wouldn't all the buds open at the same time?

  3. Regardless of how or why, they look gorgeous.

    I have recently planted a "fruit salad" frangipani, I have been lead to believe that its flowers will be a blend of pink, orange and white. We are yet to see its flowers in bloom as at this stage they are baby buds. Maybe that is what you have too.

  4. The flowers are now all the same colour after weeks of them being different. Curiouser and curiouser.

  5. We have a large old frangapani in our front yard and it has the same colours (yellow, pink and white) in the same bunch. We thought it was something to do with the food we had recently feed it, but now after seeing yours I'm thinking that it might have been a older variety that was popular with the Qld'ers back in the day. Love your blog also as I have only recently found it and have read it from start to finish!
