Saturday, January 15, 2011

Heading for the hills
Today has been dubbed Salvation Saturday, and thousands of volunteers answered the call for help with the clean-up.
We saddled up the children and headed for the hills. This may not seem very helpful, but as Can-Do says, the clean up is a marathon not a sprint. We are sure there will be just as much work to help with, long after the flood falls from the headlines. Some people will be homeless for months, if not a year or two.
We decided to take a trip through Dayboro, a small village about half an hour out of town, but would you believe it? Dayboro has obviously had a lot of water through the town too.
The creek crossing just before town has been trashed by floodwater, as have the roads. We saw a lot of this.
Mostly though, Dayboro and Mt Mee look as though someone has just rolled out a luscious green carpet. Very picturesque.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I whipped up this (frozen) spinach and ricotta tart for lunch. I use a quiche base of about five eggs and half a cup of cream - then add whatever; smoked salmon and dill, roast pumpking and fetta, caramelised onions and bacon, I could go on all day.

I shall be fully workshopping the idea of cooking with tinned and frozen fruit and veg. The prices are already taking off and potatoes have become a thing of the past for some reason?
I've also noticed the odd person stocking up on Aeorogard. Hot tip! Apparently Listerine, the mouth wash is excellent for keeping sandflies off you if you just rub it on your skin. I haven't tried it, mozzies only bite me if they're really desperate.
Meanwhile, I have been talking amongst my friends about what possessions we'd take with us if we had to evacuate our house in an hour. God forbid we are ever in that situation. What would you take?


  1. Children. I guess I'd take the children. Only so long as each one was clinging to an Arne Jacobsen chair.

  2. Well yes, I'd take all the occupants of our house. But I couldn't really think of any 'things', interestingly enough.

  3. Funny, we were driving through Dayboro this morning also. The damage in that area and also closer to me went through on the Tuesday and Wednesday rather than the Thursday for Brisbane. We were just amazed. I would take photos, laptop - has more photos on it and my jewellery. ;-)

  4. Passport. Wallet. Keys. My jewellery. The baby.

    That's it.

    All the rest can be replaced.

  5. Family, photos, hard drive (where all our more recent photos are) and camera because I am naughty and don't download my photos as often as I should! Mary

  6. Last week, my husband had about 30 minutes to grab what he could from our house before he had to leave. He took: the computer, the photo albums, a couple of my handbags and a bottle of red wine. I laughed when he arrived back as he had the wine but no wedding album! (The kids were high and dry with me!)

  7. I was being facetious about the children, really.

    I would take nothing.

    What's the point of possesion in the wake of so much devastation? Which is ironic, because we spend so much time and money decorating our abodes, and when it comes down to determining what to salvage, we can't decide on what.
